Why the Grievances?
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Why the Grievances?

Since New California State declared independence from the State of California January 15, 2018 with their own Declaration of Independence the 'process' of the Declaration of Independence for New California State continues for the next 15 weeks until all 40 Grievances have been documented. Note the word 'process'. Process is described as a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. The end is understanding the words in the declaration to the masses.

When the Founders of the original July 4, 1776 U.S. Declaration of Independence authored the declaration they included 'Grievances' in the actual document. The reason was obvious back then as printing presses were few and the distribution of the actual documents to the thirteen colonies were done at great personal risk to the authors and those tasked with the distribution.

So the Founders knew they had one shot at the distribution of the Declaration of Independence so they included the in the declarations their grievances against King George III as a way to substantiate their statements. The 1776 Declaration of Independence became an event and a 'process' utilizing 1776 methods.

The 1776 'process' included hand writing the declarations to make 'copies' as there were no copy machines or printers. People caught rewriting or in possession of the declarations were at risk being put in jail.

On the evening of July 4, 1776, John Dunlap, a Philadelphia printer, took the manuscript copy of the Declaration and printed it as a single-sheet broadside. It took a little longer for it to appear in newspapers.

Colonial printers held a unique position in the history of American printing. Printers in Great Britain had a legal monopoly on most printed material, such as the English-language Bible, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and all maps. American printers were limited to producing newspapers, almanacs, sermons, addresses, pamphlets, primers and other lesser items. To make ends meet, most colonial printers had other jobs. Many maintained book shops and dry-goods stores. A number of printers were also postmasters. Printers were by default editors, publishers, and distributors. Because they had to wear many hats, they had great influence in the colonies.

One of their crowning achievements was the nationwide distribution of the Declaration of Independence. Each of its printings has something important to tell us about life in the United States at the time of the nation's birth.

Broadsides were large sheets of paper printed on one side only as seen above. Historically, broadsides were used as posters, announcing events or proclamations, commentary in the form of ballads, advertisements.

One of those who was instrumental in the distribution of the Declarations was Benjamin Franklin who owned the Pennsylvania Gazette the most successful newspaper in colonial America. It owed its success to Benjamin Franklin, who wrested control of the paper from Samuel Keimer in 1729 and then used his influence as postmaster to increase its circulation and list of subscribers.

News paper version of the 1776 Declaration of Independence.

When the Declarations were printed and distributed it took months for the masses in the colonies to understand the significance of its contents. Process 1776 style was the actual distribution over time which led to understanding.

In modern times the issue of process for the Declaration of Independence for New California State remains the same as it was in 1776. Getting the masses to understand the words in the declaration.

Having set dates and time to publicly read grievances furthers the process.

To help understand the Grievances New California Assembly Member LaVerne Denyer from Sutter County prepared a "Citizens Grievance Summary". Please read the Summary HERE.

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New California State is a new state in development forming from the State of California.  New California State is exercising its God Given Rights as declared in the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence and as ratified in the 1789 United States Constitution under Article IV Section 3. 

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