PRESIDENTIAL INFLUENCE | newcaliforniastate
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Presidents have been essential to numerous statehood movements.  Four Presidents who have been involved in states becoming members of the Union include:  
Zachary Taylor, March 1849-July 1850,
Millard Fillmore, July 1850-March 1853,
Abraham Lincoln, March 1861-April 1865 
Dwight D. Eisenhower, January 1953 to January 1961.


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 Taylor and Fillmore were significant in New Mexico and California statehoods in 1850,  Lincoln helped with West Virginia's statehood effort of 1861, Nevada's 'telegraph' statehood  of 1864 and 1959 Dwight D. Eisenhower's work bringing in Alaska and Hawaii to the Union.


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Now in 2024 comes The Great State of New California. Following their Declaration of Independence of January 15, 2018, the reading of 190 Grievances  over 190 weeks, 10 Declarations of Truth, 13 Declarations of Default and 12 Constitutional Conventions the establishment of 3 branches of government including a bi-cameral legislature, an executive and judicial system, the passing of over 100 resolutions and the establishment of 56 county committees each with a State Senator and 2 State assembly members and the reading of the Great New California State Proclamation of State New California State is ready to be the 51st State in the Union of States called the United States of America.

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© 2024 by New California State, a Registered 501c4 non profit Educational Corporation Contributions and gifts to New California State are not tax deductible. New California State ® is a registered trademark. NCS mailing address: NCS P.O. Box 3726 Yuba City, CA 95992​


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New California State is a new state in development forming from the State of California.  New California State is exercising its God Given Rights as declared in the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence and as ratified in the 1789 United States Constitution under Article IV Section 3. 

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