Yuba County Supervisor Served Affidavits Over COVID Response
By David Wilson / dwilson@appealdemocrat.com
This week Yuba County District 4 Supervisor Gary Bradford received a stack of 108 signed and notarized affidavits that accused him of violating the U.S. Constitution and his oath of office related to COVID-19 public health mandates. Bradford said Wednesday that he was not surprised when he received the documents. He said several weeks ago he received a Facebook message that stated, “You’re about to get served. We told you we were coming for your job. Be prepared Gary…” Bradford also saw a Facebook post from New California State President Paul Preston asking people to sign affidavits to be sent to Gov. Gavin Newsom, Bi-County Health Officer Dr. Phuong Luu, and Yuba City Unified School District Superintendent Doreen Osumi. Preston’s post said that all Sutter County elected officials will be served and mentioned Sutter County Board of Supervisors Chair Dan Flores and Sutter County Clerk-Recorder Donna Johnston. New California State is a group attempting to form its own new state from California. “For the most part, they all looked to all be identical,” Bradford said in an email about the affidavits. “One had some additional information attached about the effectiveness of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID and articles from several doctors challenging mainstream public health and medical opinions about the pandemic.” A stack of 108 signed and notarized affidavits that Yuba County District 4 Supervisor Gary Bradford received are pictured.Photo courtesy of Gary BradfordIvermectin has not been approved for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Bradford said in a Facebook post that he was not aware of any court finding that health mandates are unconstitutional and said the affidavits came from 108 Yuba County residents. He posted a redacted version of one of the affidavits. “My body is my biological property,” an affidavit read. “You have no Constitutional, lawful authority to force me to wear a face mask. By doing so, you are putting me and those of others into harm’s way unlawfully, without our consent.” Johanna Lassaga lives in Yuba County District 4 and signed one of the affidavits sent to Bradford. She’s the chair of the Yuba County Republican Central Committee. “The goal of serving them is to make our elected officials follow the Constitution,” Lassaga said. She said more affidavits would be sent out to other Yuba County supervisors as well as Clerk-Recorder Terry Hansen. Lassaga said she believes COVID-19 is real and had the virus herself. “It’s people who are fed up,” Lassaga said of the 108 residents. Preston said Wednesday that affidavits have been sent to elected officials in 38 counties. He said the affidavits are being used to hold elected officials accountable. He said affidavits will be processed through local sheriff’s departments that will then investigate elected officials to determine if they’ve violated their oath of office. “The Affidavit/Declaration of Truth delivered to Supervisor Bradford has no recognized legal significance,” Yuba County Counsel said in a statement. “It does not legally require any response by the county or Supervisor Bradford. There is no legal or factual basis for any claims that the county, the board of supervisors, or any individual supervisor has violated anyone’s constitutional rights in relation to the pandemic.” Preston said people’s religious rights, free speech rights, and assembly rights have been violated during the response to the pandemic. He said people have been kept out of meetings because of COVID-19 restrictions and mask, vaccine and social distancing mandates have violated people’s civil rights. “All this is unnecessary,” Preston said. “All these closures have been unnecessary.” He said New California hosts forums to educate people about how to file affidavits with elected officials. The group has been working with lawyers to come up with the plan of filing affidavits. “We’re hoping that we can get our liberty back,” Preston said. “… The world is upside down right now.” Bradford said he takes his oath of office and the Constitution very seriously and “would never act contrary to the Constitution or the rule of law as interpreted by the courts.” He said if people believe state public health mandates are unconstitutional, they should take the state to court. “That is the correct process to have a law or action suspected by some as being unconstitutional overturned,” Bradford said. “Until that time, myself and my fellow supervisors are bound to follow the law, as written, it’s what our oath of office requires.”