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Open L.A. Business Now: Back To Work Day.

A group of citizen activists is calling for a county wide “Back to Work” Day on June 1. In light of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors’ refusal to acknowledge the realities of the Corona virus, their insistence on picking winners and losers among the County’s businesses, and the skyrocketing numbers of permanent business closures and unemployment filings with the cascade of other consequences to this destruction of our economy, the group feels it’s time for businesses to open up in a safe and responsible way and get back to work.

During the course of the lockdown, many businesses have been “allowed” to operate, while others are discriminated against and forced to stay closed for an indefinite period of time which continues to increase despite the absurdly low health risk to the general public posed by the virus. Businesses of all kinds face the unfair consequences of the Board’s and Mayor’s arbitrary discrimination, with minority owned and businesses owned being the hardest hit. It’s time for this to end.

June 1 is designated as a “BACK TO WORK” day, where businesses are encouraged to resume operations, taking on the same health and safety measures recommended by the state and the CDC that are effective at those businesses which have been among the lucky few to be opened during this lockdown period.

The economy-destroying policies put in place by the Board and the Mayor are in no way commensurate with the actual nature of the risk of the virus, and rather than save Los Angeles, they are killing this great city. The “Back To Work” day aims to stop the hemorrhaging, and will benefit these businesses, their patrons, the entire supply chain, the city, the county, the state, and because of the relevance of Los Angeles to the culture and economy of the United States, the nation as a whole.

For more information, contact us at 213-788-2182 or visit our website

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