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1st Constitutional Convention New California State

For the first time since the State of West Virginia was conceived in 1861 a new state will be holding a constitutional convention to determine their future as a state in the Union. New California State which declared Independence on January 15, 2018 will be conducting the first ever constitutional conventional since 1861 in an attempt to form a new state from a pre-existing state California.

The convention will be held at Harris Ranch in Coalinga, CA July 21, 2018 from 9:00 am till 5:00 pm.

About The Event

Join New California State County Delegates of Senators and Assembly Members as they develop the Legislature and Foundation of the New California State Constitution. The meeting will begin Friday July 20, 2018 at 6:00 pm with an informal gathering at Harris Ranch. Saturday July 21, 2018 doors open at 7:30 am and will end at 5:00 pm. Tickets are on sale now.

Tickets are $35.00 each until July 14, 2018 then pre-sale tickets are $40.00. Tickets at the door $45/00. Seating is limited. Ticket price includes buffet lunch. When reserving rooms use group code is 2T829R to get the discounted room rate of $155.00. If you have already reserved your room Harris Ranch will apply the discount. More information HERE.

Harris Ranch INN, 24505 W Dorris Ave, Coalinga, CA 93210, USA

There have been numerous constitutional conventions as new states entered the Union since 1861 the most recent of which were Hawaii and Alaska in 1959 but both were formed from territories not formed from pre-existing states. Forming a new state from a pre-existing state is what makes New California State unique. The process to make a new state from a pre-existing is all stated in the U.S. Constitution under ARTICLE IV, SECTION 3, CLAUSE 1 known as the New States Clause.

New States Clause

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.


In all the fifty states there have only been 3 other times where the New States Clause has been used. Kentucky – 1792, was a part of Virginia, Maine – 1820, was a part of Massachusetts and West Virginia – 1863, was a part of Virginia.

Vermont in 1777 was part of New York and was in negotiations with New York to become a state before the New States Clause was written into the Constitution. After a settlement was reached in 1790 with New York Vermont became a state in the Union.

What others said:

Can New California really become a state? Here's what would need to happen.


January 18, 2018 11:04 am

On January 15th, a movement to create the state of New California took off. Parts of California have tried to create their own states before, but all prior attempts have been unsuccessful. With all that in mind, is it really possible to split California into two separate states?

The map of New California created by the movement’s founder, Robert Paul Preston, shows that old California would retain coastal counties from the Bay Area to Los Angeles. New California would consist of the rest of the state — mostly rural inland counties, along with San Diego and Orange County. Preston told CBS Sacramento that he wanted to separate from the larger state because of the way the California government currently handles policy regarding issues like taxes and education.

Preston’s New California could technically happen.

There is precedent for a state splitting in two. During the Civil War, the western half of Virginia protested the rest of the state’s decision to join the confederacy. As a result, West Virginia was born in 1863.

But the United States constitution stipulates that any new state formed from a preexisting state must get permission from the state’s legislature. Then, both houses of U.S. Congress would have to vote yes on the measure. West Virginia was able to accomplish this in the midst of the Civil War, but it’s uncertain that the modern California government would be as sympathetic to New California secessionists.

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